Monir Ali Photography

Is now the time for more sustainable Asian weddings

Why the time has come for sustainable Asian weddings

2020 has, understandably, been dominated by concerns about COVID-19, and impacted heavily on the wedding sector. It has also provided further evidence that climate change is accelerating more than ever. From wildfires to floods and storms, extreme weather events and natural disasters are becoming increasingly common not just around the world but closer to home, with warmer winters and longer summers.

In the fight against climate change, it can be easy to feel powerless and give up hope. But although it might seem that our individual choices make little impact, they can actually make a big difference if we all come together.

One step is is to to make Asian weddings more sustainable, and this is one example of where we can all make a big difference.  As a new guide from 77 Diamonds makes clear, weddings are a potentially huge source of waste – and there are a range of simple ways we can make them sustainable. Balloons and confetti, for example, are highlighted as one significant contributor to unrecyclable waste, and it’s quite easy to find sustainable alternatives for these. Other sustainable solutions include using eco-friendly attire, avoiding plastic cups and cutlery, and finding local suppliers wherever possible. Some of the other top takeaways from the guide include:

  • Almost 5,000 tonnes of unrecyclable plastic were used at weddings in the UK last year
  • 15% of wedding guests only eat one of their three courses during a meal
  • 14.5 tonnes of CO2 are created by the average wedding

To find out more about wedding wastage and the sustainable solutions we can find, you can read 77 Diamond’s Guide to Sustainable, Zero-Waste, Ethical Weddings in full.

Sustainable Asian weddings

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